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General Discussion Unable to uninstall old version of Edu-licensed Cost X

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  • Author
    • #1488

      Dear Administrator,

      I want to uninstall my old version of Edu-licensed Cost X from my laptop to install the new one but there is a error message appeared as the attached screenshot.

      Would you please kindly advise me?

      Thank you.

    • #1489
      RIB CostX

      Hi Li Teng,

      Thank you for posting your inquiry.

      We have sent you an email about the issue.


      CostX Forum Admin

      • #1748
        Melvin Sin

        Dear Administrator,

        I also having this same issue, can you help me to solve this issue?

        Thank you.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Melvin Sin.
        • #1750
          Melvin Sin

          Dear Administrator,

          Sorry that I am wrong because I’m not having the same issue but almost the same. I also want to uninstall the old version and install the new version but the issue that unable to uninstall is what as the attached screenshot.
          Can you tell me the way to solve this issue?

          Thank you.

    • #1751
      RIB CostX

      Hi Melvin,

      Thanks for posting on the forum.

      To gain a better understanding of your issue, could you check and advise if there are any security applications that would be blocking access to remove the files when uninstalling?

      Alternatively, can you send us the event log details for review to get an idea of what could be causing the issue? Please send to

      Thank you.

      iTWO costX Forum Admin

      • #1752
        Melvin Sin

        Dear Administrator,

        May I know where to get the event log details?

        Thank you.

    • #1753
      RIB CostX

      Hi Melvin,

      We have a sent you an email directly. Please check.

      Thank you!

      iTWO costX Forum Admin

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