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General Discussion Issues with Scaling Drawings and calibrating to scale

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    • #1363


      I have been experiencing some issues with regards to the following, when importing Drawings  and Scaling the imported Drawings, when calibrating to scale and clicking into the properties to set scale dimensions for example 1:100 or  1:20 what appears to be happening after the scaled drawing is updated for example

      Example 1

      If the Drawing Dimension is @ the scale of 1:100 and you take a scale dimension of  300mm on drawing, after calibrating either the X or Y axis and setting the dimensions on the drawing properties, and you then do a retake of a selected dimension what should show as 300mm then indicates and shows 30,000,000mm

      I have been searching through the various videos and manuals but have no remedies , i would grateful for any solutions folks



    • #1364
      RIB CostX



      Thank you for your post.


      We have forwarded your question to our support team and they will contact with you directly later.


      Hope this Helps!




      CostX Forum Admin

    • #1365
      RIB CostX



      Please set the Base unit of measure (UOM) for the drawings as mm (via right-click the drawings => edit drawing properties => Base UOM) and the base UOM for the building as metres (via CostX main menu => Show Properties => Show building properties => Base UOM).


      Let us know if the above steps doesn’t help.


      Hope this Helps!




      CostX Forum Admin


    • #1739
      Abiodun Ayinde



      Thank you.


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