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‹ General Discussion "Enter" issue

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  • Author
    • #5380

      Hi CostX team,

      I am unable to use “enter” to finish my measurement, I have to right click and select finish measurement manually.

    • #5445
      RIB CostX

      Hi Lalita,

      Can you please restart iTWO costX and try again?

      iTWO costX Forum Admin

    • #5502

      I have tried the restart, the re-installation, the re-activation, none of them works. I had the issue last year for Version 6.9, the reinstallation solved the problem. Now it is not working. I would like to install it on my other laptop to see if the issue can be fixed. Is that possible that I could have another serial number to try?

    • #5551
      RIB CostX

      Hi Lalita,

      According to the system, our support team has replied to you individually, kindly please refer to the email.

      iTWO costX Forum Admin

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