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2D / 3D & BIM Takeoff E3D failed to initialize

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    • #1825

      E3D failed to initialise

      The drawing dimension view suddenly doesn’t work. I used it without error once upon a time but now I met this error. I have reinstalled the costx but the error still exist. Help please, thanks!

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by uhguanhong.
    • #1827
      RIB CostX

      Hi uhguanhong,

      Thank you for your post.

      You can change the Graphic Driver setting in iTWO costX by clicking File -> Options -> Drawings and changing the Graphic Driver value from OpenGL to Direct3D, clicking OK and then restart iTWO costX.

      It should resolve the issue.

      Hope this helps!


      iTWO costX Forum Admin

      • #1828

        Thanks for answering this, unfortunately, I followed this step and restart iTWO costX but the problem still exist…

    • #1830
      RIB CostX

      Hi uhguanhong,

      Thanks for your reply.

      We are consulting with the Support team about the issue and will get back to you soon.

      Hope this helps!


      iTWO costX Forum Admin

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