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General Discussion CostX won't open

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    • #2785

      Hi, CostX wont open on my laptop as the database service is not running. I have attempted to run the service however it is not working and the message below appears. I then tried to reinstall costX without uninstalling but am still having the same issue

    • #2789
      RIB CostX

      Hi holly.sheridan,

      Thank you for your post.

      There are generally two common reasons that cause this issue. Open the Services application and scroll down to “CostX Database”, “CostX Auth”, “CostX Core” and check the Status. If they are not running, right-click and select “Start”. If you have done this and the services fail to start or are missing, then this may be due to a firewall or antivirus software assuming that iTWO costX is malware. In this case, you will need to either add the RIB program folder to the AV exclusions list, disable the AV scan and run iTWO costX installer again to repair iTWO costX services.

      Hope this helps!


      iTWO costX Student Forum Admin

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