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General Discussion Educational Restriction Failed

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    • #2851
      James Chemuel

      Upon running the program in stand-alone mode and seeking to activate it, I am met with this message.

      This message occurs both when pressing activate and doing it manually. Any solution would be appreciated.

    • #2854
      RIB CostX

      Hi James,

      Thank you for your post.

      This error  is most commonly due to an installation error where you may have run the “Network” option instead of “Standalone / Educational (Run with a local standalone database)”. Firstly, completely uninstall iTWO costX from your current computer, including selecting ‘No’ when asked if you wish to keep the database. Then reinstall iTWO costX with the “Standalone / Educational (Run with a local standalone database)” option, which appears during the installation process.

      Please you could refer to our Student FAQ as it will help to answer some of your questions.

      Hope this helps!


      iTWO costX Student Forum Admin

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