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General Discussion Can I re-activate my costx on a new computer?

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    • #3119

      Hi, I have activated my costx on my previous computer for last semester and I am not able to use it any more, I have downloaded the costx on my new computer but it shows that the serial number has been activated, so I went to the verification website ( applied which shows my student email address is already registered. But I only used this serial number once on one computer, so am I supposed to have one more chance to activate on another computer? While I have sent through an email to ( about this problem for a week but no response yet, so I’m wondering how can I reactivate the costx or get a new student licence. Please provide me with some help on this, Thank you so much!



    • #3121
      RIB CostX

      Hi David,

      Thank you for contacting us.

      Per our record, your licence has one reactivation remaining so you should be able to activate it on your new computer.

      Could you please try it again?


      iTWO costX Forum Admin

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by RIB CostX.
      • #3136


        I have tried to activate through ( for multiple times, and I just tried again, but it was always showing “Your email address is already registered to an active educational license so you cannot apply again until it is expired. “. Can I reactivate it by other ways? Or are there any other options, thank you for checking my question




    • #3138
      RIB CostX

      Hi David,

      Thank you for your reply.

      Per our record, we’ve replied to your email on 8th September. Please check your inbox and spam folder from your academic address.

      Also, your current license remains one more reactivation, which hasn’t been expired. Hence, that’s the reason why you’re unable to apply for a new license from You can simply re-activate your current license on your new computer.

      Hope this helps.


      iTWO costX Forum Admin

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