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General Discussion Username and password

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    • #5250

      Hi everyone! I have just downloaded Cost X and username and password are required to open the software. However, I have never been asked to set both username and password. Wondering how can I login into the software.Thanks guys!

    • #5253
      RIB CostX

      Hi cyho,

      You will only be prompted to provide login credentials if you are running the “iTWO costX Client”, instead, you should be running the “iTWO costX (Standalone)”. Make sure you select CostX (Standalone) from the installation location to run the program.


    • #5255

      Thank you for the reply. I have installed the CostX server admin instead. Just wondering if I should remove this software before I install the CostX (Standalone). Also, may I have the link to download CostX (Standalone).

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